Phil: "I agree but somehow this year it is different. I really am able to see what part is my play and what is just the cards. I can separate the two and that allows me to remain calm. That makes a tremendous difference in how I play. It really is going great now, everything but the cards. So my goal is to just keep the play going, I can’t change the flop but I can remain focused and playing good poker. The cards will come."
Shrink: "Well that has been a very consistent theme for you this summer. This really is a changed attitude."
Phil: "I think so, I do feel great and I have some real clarity on the parts of the game under my control and those that are just the rub of the deck. I feel much better about my game."
Phil: "No, I was really short-stacked for this restart, so I signed up for the noon event, but I checked my table before I came here at 2 PM. When I checked my table it looked really tough, so I am going to take some time before I sit down in that tournament."
Phil did indeed take a break and calmly rejoined the noon tournament around 4 PM to continue his World Series.
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