[Content Disclosure: poker 99%, life 16%]
Yes indeed there is just no getting around the fact that my life continues to be saturated in all things poker.
Amy Calistri and I are just a few days away from sending our complete book proposal off to the Big Apple for some publisher perusal. For those who don't know, we are working with Mike Matusow on a biography of his life in poker. Amy & I have been heads down on this project since the World Series and now have the entire professional publisher boiler-plating and two sample chapters ready to impress the publishing world. In the best scenario, you will have a copy of Mike's story in your hands by next summer. In the worst case, George Bush is declared king for life and Phil Hellmuth is discovered to be an android.
While the work on the book was going on I was, of course, keeping PokerBlog up and running. PokerBlog is a great outlet for the wide variety of interesting and frustrating aspects of the relatively new world of poker as a mainstream endeavour. Two additional opportunities have also come my way. I am now writing for OnlinePoker both as a poker instructor and a forum moderator. Come check out the new forums over there (just as soon as we launch them). If you have a friend or relative who is just beginning their poker journey, invite them to check out the "How I Learnt to Play" section on OnlinePoker.
Also I am writing a Las Vegas Poker News section for ChiliPoker; this is a fun job which allows me to chronicle the current Poker Wars in Las Vegas. There are a lot of poker tables in Las Vegas and a finite number of poker players to sit in them, so the gimmicks and incentives are expanding daily. The Chilipoker site gives me a forum to explore all of that information. Before your next trip to the desert be sure to take a look at the Spicy News section of ChiliPoker.
Good news re: the proposal. Best of luck there & with the rest of the project. Definitely looking forward to it.
Congrats on your latest writing gigs! And best of luck with the book...
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