Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Money Memory Mush


Yesterday, I pulled a bag of books out of that hidden space in the back of my mid-size SUV. I know the bag had not been inspected since I bought the car back in 2016. Inside were some half-read titles on writing, editing and a copy of my dissertation from 1999.

Why not, sit down and see if I had anything useful to say 22+ years ago. The title was and is: Exploring the Nature of Qualitative Research: Assumptions, Attributes, Definitions and Antecedents.

Fear not, this post is not about my acute, penetrating and sagacious insights back then. Nor shall we spend even a moment on the dense academized verbiage I once wallowed in. Nope, this is about money.

Whilst reading my own words, around page 22, a dollar bill dropped out of the pages. I assumed I had at one time use the buck as a bookmark. Around page 50 there was a ten ($10) and a twenty ($20) dropped on page 78. 

I unearthed a vague memory of storing cash in the book back in my Berkeley days (2010-2015). A nice little windfall, I thought and read on. Later, after lunch, I picked up the dissertation again and lo and behold a Benjamin ($100) fell out around page 99. 

While I will reread the entire tome later, I had to fan forward to discover a total hidden bequest of $331. Who says a Ph.D. is worthless.

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