Monday, July 05, 2021




Warning: It may not be safe to go back into the gym.

Post Covid-19* some of us want or need to get back to an exercise regimen to regain our pre-pandemic svelte figures. This seems to be leading to an increase in what was a fairly rare syndrome - Rhabdo.

Rhabdomyolysis - a condition in which skeletal muscle tissue dies, releasing substances into the blood that cause kidney failure. Rhabdomyolysis is usually caused by a specific event. This is most commonly injury, overexertion, infection, drug use, or certain medications. 

Current cause of new Rhabdo cases - people rushing back to an exercise program after a year+ of pandemic lockdown. Slowly easing back into exercise is a much safer option.


Here's a link to a Washington Post article on Rhabdomyolysis and post-Covid* exercise.

Bottom line, we all have a medically viable excuse to slowly merge back into our slothful lifestyles. A little exercise is good, a lot can kill you. However, I have been told that almond croissants for breakfast can cause other syndromes, so as with all things - moderation is the key.


*and it needs to be said - we are not yet POST-Covid. Stay safe out there.

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