Friday, January 15, 2021

In Praise of Sloth


They told me to stay home - I can do that.

They said to have others deliver my food - that works.

No more movie theaters or concerts, binge only - no please not Netflix and my sofa.

No large gatherings - I wasn't really that fond of all those people anyway.

Work from home - what and avoid all that freeway time?
Zoom it - wait, I only have to dress from the waist up? [and put important book titles on the shelf behind me]

You see, I take easily to sloth. All those societal niceties and formalities are on hold, here's hoping some of them never come back. 

Online food ordering has gotten better and better. 
Smart restaurant websites are tweaked for all kinds of consumer friendly reasons. 
No plastic utensils - make that a checkbox.
Give reasonable options for the tip - 10% 15% 20%. Though in these times 20% is the right choice.

Grocery pickup and/or delivery; this may forever change how we shop. By the way, a delivery fee is understandable, but a pickup fee is not. And, if you are offering a note-leaving option for my order - read the damn note!

That being said - I take easily to sloth. I do not understand cabin fever, after all there are multiple commercial entities begging to bring me a wide variety of food and all the chocolate I need.

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