Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Half Way to 2016


The numbers don't lie. Over 68 million citizens have already early voted in the 2020 presidential race. 

In 2016 the final tally for president topped out at 136 million, which means as of today October 27th more than 50% of the total votes cast last time have already been voted in 2020.

We don't know what the final totals will be, but all non-partisan metrics tell us that even with the increase in Covid-driven early voting the final totals will be well about any previous election. 150+ million votes is not out of the question.

Of course, before making any predictions or popping any corks, we must also consider the effects of: the electoral college, and election day weather, and faulty polling, and a late October surprise, and dead voters in Chicago, and a halloween zombie invasion. Oh and that asteroid!

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