Monday, August 03, 2020

The Election Ain't in November Anymore

With all the talk and fury about mail-in voting, another major factor in the coming election is being overlooked. Early voting takes place in over half of the 50 States. While the when and how vary by State and in some cases by congressional district. The hard numbers tell us that this crucial election might be over and done with well before November.

By September 20th, nine States will be open to early voting including Illinois and what everyone considers to be a huge swing state - Michigan.

Before the first week of October is over, another nine States join the early voting parade, including the monster electoral vote of California plus Ohio and Pennsylvania.

A full two weeks before 'the election day' November 3rd, there will be 26 States casting early ballots. 

All the racket and noize of the final media push will mean nothing to those who have already voted. If you intend to influence family, friends, neighbors and the undecided - better get to it, voting starts sooner than you think. 

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