Friday, July 17, 2020

Voting for a Dead Weasel

I heard it again today, from a fine, well-intentioned, solid blue voter.

"Maybe Biden will step aside and we can get a truly progressive ticket. 
Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris would be perfect."

No! No!! Hell No!!!

Stay focused people. There isn't a cancer on the Presidency, the president is the cancer. Enough of this longing for a brighter, bluer choice in 2020. It's Blue No Matter Who. Let me put it another way.

If the democrats nominate a dead weasel, you are going to vote for the dead weasel. Stop! No more whining, no more maybes, ifs or perhaps. Vote for the Dead Weasel.

And furthermore, it is your duty, your responsibility to get your friends, family and neighbors who might be leaning towards staying home in November, you must get them to the polls or get them an absentee ballot. Drive them to the voting booth. Stop by with a fresh pie and ask directly if they have mailed in their ballot.

In 2024 we can fight again for the hearts and minds of the country. In 2020, we have to kill the vile, orange insanity that is destroying this nation. Vote for the Dead Weasel.

I will remind loyal readers, I voted for George McGovern with my first vote in 1972. Since then I have voted third party each and every election. I am committed to progressive liberal values. But we have to stop the bleeding before we give the country a new heart.

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