Monday, July 20, 2020
Sloth in the Time of Covid-19
Race and Virus. Virus and Race. White Privilege. White Fragility.
I listen to all the personalized conversations around the Covid-19 Pandemic. First and foremost, people have died, are dying, will die. Families mourn. Medical personnel are overwhelmed. Pollution is down, domestic violence is up. Schools must reopen, children will die. Schools must remain closed, disadvantaged kids fall further behind.
In the midst of all of this, I am uncommonly privileged. So are many of my family and friends. We are older, which means we are more susceptible to the virus but also more easily able to isolate. We don't have to go out to work. Food and meals can be delivered or curb-sided.
I (we) have financial resources. I gave my $1200 Covid check to a local food bank. So did many of my friends. But the privilege remains. What to do?
First, do not go out and volunteer. We are prime candidates to bump up the already frightening statistics. Donate, yes. But we are already masking and distancing and quarantining. We can and I have made strong arguments to family, friends and friends of friends that those "smaller get-togethers" are just as likely to pass on the pandemic as those fools in bars and pool parties.
The one solid thing I am doing to shed the virus is not getting it, not carrying it, not passing it on. Other than that, the guilt is palpable at times. I am privileged but I also want to stay alive and I want you to do the same.
Be Safe. Be Sane.
Friday, July 17, 2020
Voting for a Dead Weasel
I heard it again today, from a fine, well-intentioned, solid blue voter.
"Maybe Biden will step aside and we can get a truly progressive ticket.
Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris would be perfect."
No! No!! Hell No!!!
Stay focused people. There isn't a cancer on the Presidency, the president is the cancer. Enough of this longing for a brighter, bluer choice in 2020. It's Blue No Matter Who. Let me put it another way.
If the democrats nominate a dead weasel, you are going to vote for the dead weasel. Stop! No more whining, no more maybes, ifs or perhaps. Vote for the Dead Weasel.
And furthermore, it is your duty, your responsibility to get your friends, family and neighbors who might be leaning towards staying home in November, you must get them to the polls or get them an absentee ballot. Drive them to the voting booth. Stop by with a fresh pie and ask directly if they have mailed in their ballot.
In 2024 we can fight again for the hearts and minds of the country. In 2020, we have to kill the vile, orange insanity that is destroying this nation. Vote for the Dead Weasel.
I will remind loyal readers, I voted for George McGovern with my first vote in 1972. Since then I have voted third party each and every election. I am committed to progressive liberal values. But we have to stop the bleeding before we give the country a new heart.
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Another Stirring List
I've been away. I've been in transition, but so what. Let's move on.
I'd fallen behind on my commentary related to the Bibliophile's Devotional. Now arrives at my desk 1,000 Books to Read Before You Die. Yes, there are literally thousands of best books lists, what I find interesting about this one is the annotation by the author. Why he read or recommends a book is not always in synch with why I read it or would recommend it to friend or foe.
While the Bibliophile's Devotional was structured around a book a day, the 1,000 books are just that - page after page of titles I have read, had on my to-read list (a few on my not-to-read), and surprisingly to me, never heard of. Yes, the whole pile of tomes never ever in my sights before.
I have several long-time friends who will be thanking me for this discovery but that appreciation will come with a long, long sigh because none of us that a thousand reads left in us.
I may have more to say on this topic, but my Kindle just pinged - another book has arrived.