Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Lord of the Flies

"This work presents a pessimistic view  of humankind, 
precariously perched on the brink of savagery. 
Apparently, what we call civilization is only skin-deep."

The Bibliophile's Devotional selected Lord of the Flies this past weekend. A true American classic worth reading again, no matter how long it has been. In fact, "in these times," the book might just be even more to the point. But that has been said before, has it not.

I wonder how many other readers think 'Lord of the Flies' and/or 'Catcher in the Rye.' Two views of the same dark side of us. Must go see when The Devotional gets to Holden Caulfield. He and Ralph would have been close enemies or maybe Piggy.

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