Thursday, April 16, 2020

Testing in La-La Land

Yes that is a photograph of someone being tested for the corona virus in a golf cart. Here in The Villages, Florida we have drive-thru testing in all forms of recreational vehicles. Being that this is the largest retirement community in the country with more golf holes (648) than any property on the planet, it makes sense that nearly everything is accessible by golf cart.

Now to the dreaded virus. University of Florida Health has taken the opportunity of this unusual population density to offer not only clinical testing but also a general testing protocol to collect ongoing data on the virus within this high risk population. The average age here is over 70.

The testing slots are limited and they usually run out of tests before the week is over but UF Health practitioners are out there every day while supplies last. The website for appointments often fills up early each day of testing but there are random slots open at times.

There were appointments open three days ago, so my sister-in-law and I decided to do our part. We set up appointments for the following morning and headed for the very efficient set-up at The Villages Polo Fields. Check-in, ID verification, recheck and a quick medical history were all done while we sat, masks in place, in our golf cart. Test was quick and only mildly irritating.

Yes, I know I buried the lede - We got our results today and we both tested negative.

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