Monday, November 18, 2019

Resurrecting a Blog

I am once again focusing my literary abilities on my novel, Grey Angel. To that end I am just finishing a course on manuscript submission, agents and publishers. A week four assignment suggests establishing an "Author's Platform" on social media. First recommendation - a blog.

It just so happens I have this little grey blog with over 1300 posts. Seems like a good place to begin. So once again dear readers, I relaunch this blog with yet another new focus - my writing. Expect my first sentence, first page and first chapter to follow soon.

I will begin with a recommendation. If you have a partial or whole manuscript lingering in a drawer somewhere, you might consider the course I am taking: The Writer's Workshop at Authors Publish. It worked for me, if only to provide motivation and polish to what I already had languishing in my "to-do" folder.

Four weeks of focus on:
                                        Preparing Your Manuscript for Publication
                                        How to Craft a Query Letter
                                        Publishers & Agents
                                        The Mechanics of Submitting

If you're interested, subscribe to the free newsletter which will get you an announcement of the next course offering. BTW, the newsletter is full of up-to-date information on publishers open to submissions.

Yes, there are many similar courses out there. If you've taken one, add a comment and let me know your experience.

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