Monday, January 02, 2017

A Blog Decade

I've been offering up my Opus-like opinions on this blog for a decade as of today. Considering the average blog lasts slightly less than four months, I deserved either a pat on the back or a slap on the head.

I was in Australia in 2006 when I first opened this space with lots of poker linked posts. Since then, I have wandered far afield from the felt of the poker world, which is far behind me.

This past year, I managed to mostly stick to my 'Friday Only' posting scheme. At times I had a bit more to say and at others much less.

I don't really know what comes next here, hopefully something will emerge and there may well be a conversion towards promoting my new book. I do have one other idea, I'll let you in on it next week.

Whatever happens, what will be, will be, as long as we have free will, at least two years of no presidential politics, warm olive bread, an agreeable climate and friends.

Enjoy the ride, everyone.

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