Friday, October 14, 2016

Today's Numbers Revised

Stats as of 10:00 AM EDT or roughly midday worldwide.

 7,457,225,765 Current World Population  
    112,692,552 Births this year    
          168,774 Births today

47,192,694 Deaths this year     
       70,768 Deaths today

65,500,282 Net population growth this year
       98,354 Net population growth today

98,236,763,533 Emails sent today (half day)
        1,972,457 Blog posts written today
 2,119,928,993 Google searches so far today

169,981,107 Energy used today (MWh), of which:
137,839,640 - from non-renewable sources (MWh)
32,352,232 - from renewable sources (MWh)

for more minute-to-second stats

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