Friday, January 08, 2016

My 2016 and Beyond

As some but not all of you know, I have a tendency to shake-up my life on a semi-regular basis. I have changed professions several times, okay perhaps more than several. I also relocate often. I've been in Berkeley with my spectacular view of the San Francisco Bay for five years now.

It's time to move on and try something different.

Different this time around will involve going Undomiciled. I am giving up the Berkeley apartment and not replacing it with another homestead. Thank-you to my treasured friend Mira for allowing me to stay so long.

I am working on a book: Undomiciled: How to be the Perfect Long-Term Houseguest.

So my next move is really just research. I will be splitting my time between friends here in the Bay Area, long-longtime friends up in Mt. Shasta, plus extended stays in Michigan and back at The Villages in Florida, where I have been the last several months. Minnesota, Massachusetts, Virginia and several other incursions are also possible.

As of right now, I am in Biloxi, Mississippi with several of my poker buddies. After a long weekend of Texas Hold'em and camaraderie, I will be making several visits in Texas followed by a meandering drive that will take me to Los Angeles before returning to Berkeley. Thence to pack and further divest myself of accumulated stuff, before venturing off into an Undomiciled lifestyle.

Wish me luck, safe travels and please no more veiled questions about my sanity or lack thereof.

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