Thursday, April 23, 2015


I know politicians want to tell us that it's - Right Around the Corner or It's Too Big to Limit to Just a Few Short Months. Well, first of all to those statements and other justifications for having half a dozen presidential candidates more than a year and a half before the election, I would like to offer a sincere and resounding BULLSHIT!

However, barring that cow flop truism. I give you the line-up for next year. And I will point out once again, that the most populous state, my state, will be voting last, long after the nominations are already decided. Good move again, Golden State.

January 18: Iowa caucuses
January 26: New Hampshire caucuses
-once again the highly representative voters of these two great states will decide the frontrunners for president by coming out one night in the dead of winter to the local school cafe and standing in little groups talking about climate change or chicken feed.

February 2: Colorado & Minnesota caucuses; New York & Utah primaries
-yes, at least for now an actually significant state (NY) will vote early; though in 2012 the NY legislature delayed the primary until April and may do so again.

February 6: Nevada caucuses
February 13: South Carolina
February 16: North Carolina
February 23: Michigan

MARCH 2016
March 1: Super Tuesday. Colorado caucuses; Florida, Massachusetts, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia primaries.
-it will likely be all over for both parties after this batch of primaries, since the conventions are not until summer, this means we get 3+ months of non-campaigning campaigning, during which time the candidate's minions tell as many falsehoods about the other guy (or gal) as the media is willing to pass on to the public as truth.

March 5: Louisiana
March 8: Alabama, Hawaii, Mississippi, Ohio
March 13: Puerto Rico
March 15: Illinois, Missouri
March 22: Arizona

APRIL 2016
April 5: Maryland, Washington DC, Wisconsin
April 26: Connecticut, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island

MAY 2016
Mar 3: Indiana
May 10: Nebraska, West Virginia
May 17: Kentucky, Oregon
May 24: Arkansas

JUNE 2016
June 7: Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, South Dakota, California

What do you think would happen if the schedule was turned on its head and the five states voting in June voted first? I know one thing, the candidates would like campaigning in the California & New Mexico sunshine a lot more than the January snow of Iowa and New Hampshire. And after all, don't we all want to make this ridiculous process easier on those lying, vile bastards the esteemed candidates for president of the united states of america.

1 comment:

  1. Gotta respect Maine, Alaska, Georgia, North Dakota, Idaho, Wyoming andWashington.
