Saturday, September 13, 2014

Big Roadtrip!

Yes, I'm on the road again. It's been five years since my last great driving adventure. This time I have not given up all earthly roots but I will be moving about the country for several months. The first leg pictured above is by now familiar move, at least for regular readers. I have headed up to Mt. Shasta/Weed/Lake Shastina to visit my good friends and their animals. But this is just the first stop on a very long journey.

I will be making several visitations in the Midwest before venturing far South before the winter chill sets into the lands of my upbringing. After warming myself in sunny Florida, I will traverse the Gulf Coast, skim across the Southwest before traveling the spine of California and returning to my skyview apartment in Berkeley near year's end.

For blog purposes I will be going travelogue for much of the rest of this year. Not that politics, the economy, human nature and ephemera will not creep in as they always do.

Day 1 (Sept. 13): 275 miles
Day 2 thru 15: 0 miles (hanging out near Mt. Shasta)

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