Thursday, September 25, 2014

As Requested

Prior to hitting the road, several friends and regular blog readers requested that I include more photos from this trip. Including but not limited to the actual humans and near-humans I encounter along the way.

Today I begin to fulfill those requests. Above you will observe Midnight and I discussing keyboard access.

These humanoids are Gary & Cyndi Blevins, my friends who reside in Lake Shastina, California where I have spent the first two weeks of my journey in fire, glacial flaking and now heavenly rain. Here in California we never disparage precipitation.

Finally, from the wilds of Northern California the fourth member of the household, the latest creature to emerge from the wilds to adopt the Blevins -- meet Socks, the terror of local birds, bats and lizards.

The road trip heads East tomorrow with a small change in route, which will be explained at a future date.

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