Friday, October 25, 2013

Winter Fog

The Farmer's Almanac predicts a wetter than normal winter here in  the Bay Area. This is good news, we've had a couple of dry ones of late and the reservoirs could use a topping off. A wet winter means more fog and unlike some I really enjoy the gray atmosphere.

The picture above is a morning shot from the Marin Headlands through the Golden Gate and back towards San Francisco, not exactly my perspective but a nice shot. I live just about eight miles left of those two bridge towers, sort of out through the upper left hand corner of the picture. Each evening this week from my perspective the sun is setting directly behind the Golden Gate Bridge. There are times when the view out my window is a complete distraction from my writing but I find it impossible to complain.

I like the gray weather in all it's shades of grey.

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