Thursday, January 31, 2013

Blog Update

[Warning: This is another self indulgent post about me, my writing angst and this here blog.]

Regular readers know I have been struggling with blogging for the last several months. I had nearly decided it was time to lay it all to rest after seven years. Next month, short as it is, will be my big push to finish the novel - working title: She Loathes Me Not.

I told this to a writer friend and a faithful blog reader (I read his as well). "Wait," he said "have you emptied those image folders of yours?" No I haven't but I've done a couple of months of those recently and it seems like just a lifeline to say I haven't really given up the blog. While we were talking I had opened my 'images' file on my desktop.

"What's that one?" he asked pointing to a file labeled "Strange Words." 

"Just some quotes and signs I've found on the web over the years."

"So give us a month of those."

Therefore kind readers, I will make some personal decision about my blog come March but for next month, February - my favorite month by the way, I offer you Strange Words in twenty-eight little posts.

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