We are in the waning months of the Chinese Year of the Tiger, which ends February 2, 2011. The tiger is the largest of the earth's felines, the biggest of the big cats can top 600 pounds. Of course, like any wonderous species they are endangered largely due to pouching in their natural habitats throughout Asia.
According to the World Wildlife Fund there are more tigers in captivity in the U.S. (5,000) than there are alive in the wild. Regulation of captive big cats is so lax that there is no official count of their numbers worldwide nor are they protected from the trade in animal parts that has devastated the wild population.
By the way February 3, 2011 marks the beginning of the Chinese Year of the Rabbit.
Feb 2 marks the end of the year of the tiger. Feb 1 marks the end of my fifth decade and the beginning of my sixth! In this context 51 sounds young.