Shadows of a thousand years
Rise again unseen,
Voices whisper in the trees
"Tonight is Halloween"
Dexter Kozen
I'm really into candy right now. Not in the same way I was in 1968, but that is a completely different story.
I am not going to write about All Hallow's Eve today but about something completely different -- clear, unequivocal statements about relationships, hopes, dreams and the future. For those seeking an orange and black goblin fix, scroll down to the video link at the end.
Here is what I wonder: when someone feels that certain way about someone -- why don't they tell them? I bring this up for two reasons. First, I don't get it; when I want, desire, hope, pray or beg for something I do it explicitly. I mean who wants to miss out on something simply because we were unclear about our intentions. Second, an old girlfriend got in touch recently via one of the social networks; after the exchange of details of our lives over the past 25 years, she told me that she had always regretted that we did not give "a real relationship a try."
Her: "I always wanted that."
Me: "Why didn't you ever say that to me?"
Her: "I did in many little ways."
Me: "How about in english to my face, preceded by the words 'I have something I want you to know.'"
Her: "That's not how love works."
Really! Is this another of those life lessons they taught girls in Home Ed. while the boyz were being shown how to throw a curve ball? That's all I got for now -- Happy Halloween.
Here lies the Video link at the end for cat-lovers, pumpkin-lovers and fans of halloween.
I was a beat-around-the-bush (but not speak up) crowd. I'm trying to leave that behind. Speaking up may backfire or not have the desired result, but the alternative is the same (you don't act and things don't go how you want them to, you act and they don't go how you want them to.) I'm not having much luck with it yet, but it's a step in the right direction.