Thursday, December 18, 2008

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It... What the _______!

[Content Disclosure: 9% Poker; 87% Las Vegas; 65% End of Days Weather Report]

That is a shot of the famous Luxor pyramid on the Las Vegas Strip and yes that is snow. A lot of snow. Over four inches fell yesterday and virtually brought the desert city of Las Vegas to a standstill. Its been thirty years since this much of the white stuff fell here and today we are getting a slow melt because temperatures remain a good 15 degrees below average. We actually are having below freezing numbers over night. I won't go on about warm weather citizens not knowing how to drive in snow and ice because no one is actually from Las Vegas. But it was a strange day yesterday, the view from my balcony was one I have seen hundreds of times in my life but I had to keep reminding myself that this is the desert and I didn't have gloves and boots sitting by the front door.

I-15 South into California remains closed today, so my trip to San Francisco will wait a few more days, the plan now is to holiday over in Sonoma and San Francisco and then come back here for a final pack and ship before I move once again.

My favorite poker player remains in the hunt at Bellagio in the Doyle Brunson Classic, so I may hop up there today to root for Mike and to visit with the surviving media gang.

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