Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Poker, Money, Life and Change

[Content Disclosure: poker 33%, employment 32%, travel 31%, life 27.36%, etc. 11.44%]

So here goes the update on life and yes it will revolve a bit around poker.
Since PokerNews.com and I parted ways during the World Series this summer, I have been entertaining several new offers to write about poker for a variety of sources both online and off. These offers involve both old and new content; I have been making one of my goals to place my Poker Shrink column with a new and reputable poker source. While the "Shrink" remains in negotiation with two outlets, I have landed several new writing assignments for European based poker outlets. I will be announcing both of those here just as soon as the new sites launch.

Because both new jobs are very "Las Vegas" centric, I will be remaining in the desert for now. However, travel will be part of both deals in 2008 but next I plan an extended sojourn to Northern California to visit friends and to check out many of the smaller card rooms I have not had the chance to play before now.

More on life and less on poker, right here as the fall unfolds.

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