Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A Modest Poker Proposal

[Content Disclosure: 100% Poker]

In most poker venues the tables are tight and when you add in 65-70 poker media, like this week at the Bellagio, it becomes a traffic jam. But their comes a point, like today, when the field thins and there "could be" more room for the players, more room for the media and even room for fans to pack the rail and see some poker.

So here is my modest proposal to all tournament directors.

Late in a tournament consider breaking tables in a staggered pattern. Break every other table and pull the chairs out of the way so that media can cover the event and not pack in around the players. Also consider, where fans can get near the tournament, breaking the interior tables first and keeping the rail tables in play so on at least one or two sides fans can see the action.

Now I know for some players it is important to know when their table will break (some players don't care) but for those who do; nothing prevents tournament directors from simply announcing a "staggered pattern" for the breaking tables. Sure some players will not listen and some will complain but they never listen and they always complain. So let's give this a try, better coverage for the fans not at the venue and more viewing possibilities for fans who do come out.

If you want this to be a spectator sport, consider the fans and those who bring them the stories.

1 comment:

  1. I like that you spend your free time thinking about small (but important) details like this. I think this is a good idea, and I'd love to see a TD test it out at a big event.
